Mustankorkea website in English
Mustankorkea website has been partly published also in English in December 2023. Now residents can order waste services by using the forms in English. Also resident’s waste guides, sorting guide for condominiums and our price lists are all available in English.
You can access the English website by changing the language. Change the language from the top left side of the web page beside the planet Earth picture using the FI/EN-menu. The English website is more compact than the Finnish website. The basic features and information are however available for the residents.

– Now the website is able the reach a wider customer base and is more user-friendly for non-Finnish speaking residents. The translated guides contain information on sorting waste and recycling at home. Residents can also order waste collection, change the interval of the waste collection or change billing address. You can also make a composting notification in English. If a household needs to dispose of large-size waste items, for example a broken refrigerator or sofa, you can order a pick up for them by filling in the English form, says Mustankorkea’s customer service agent Jaana Göös.
In addition to the e-forms, Mustankorkea’s contact details and opening hours have been translated into English. Residents can also find instructions and container maps, which make it easier to bring waste to Mustankorkea Recycling Site and Laukaa Waste Centre. Stickers for waste bins are also available in English at Mustankorkea Office in Tourula.
According to Statistics Finland there were almost 8 700 non-Finnish speaking residents living in Jyväskylä in 2022, 6 % of the population. The majority of non-Finnish speaking residents are Russian-speaking, the second biggest group is Persian and the third biggest is English.
Source: jyvaskyla.fi
Translator from our own staff
Mustankorkea’s website was translated into English by customer service agent Jaana Göös. It is a huge advantage, that the translator was found among our own staff. Jaana is working at customer service and she was born in England. Jaana moved to Finland with her mother, when she was 5 years old.
– My father is English and I have used English language with him and my other English relatives. My Dad also lived in Holland for 10 years and I visited him regularly. We also travelled a lot together with my Dad, when I was younger. Before Mustankorkea I worked at Helsinki Airport for almost 20 years and I was able to maintain my language skills in an international environment, says Jaana.
“Central Finland has become more international. I enjoy doing translations in addition to customer service. I’m pleased to help non-Finnish speaking people as I can understand language barriers and intercultural challenges.”
Jaana Göös, customer service agent

Jaana has also translated other material at Mustankorkea into English. The price lists for the Recycling Site and Mustankorkea Omapiha were translated in the summer 2023 and also the price list for Laukaa Waste Centre was translated within the process of the translation of the website. Also our chat service on Mustankorkea’s website provides service in English when needed.