Mustankorkea is a waste management company owned by the residents. We help our residents recycle in Jyväskylä, Laukaa, Muurame and Toivakka. There are 178 000 residents living in our area of operation. We take care of recycling the waste and give advise on waste issues for our residents. Our transport partner empties 1,5 million waste bins every year. We accept waste at Mustankorkea Waste Centre and Laukaa Waste Centre. Biowaste is utilized locally refining it into biogas and soil.
Customer service

Customer service
Our customer service helps residents with waste issues. You can take care of most of the issues via e-services.

Recycling Site in Jyväskylä
Our Recycling Site provides services for households in Jyväskylä. The waste is sorted at our Recycling Site.

Laukaa Waste Centre
Laukaa Waste Centre provides services for residents in Laukaa and neighbouring areas.

Mustankorkea website in English
Mustankorkea website has been partly published also in English in December 2023. Now residents can order waste services by using the forms in English. Also resident’s waste guides, sorting guide for condominiums and our price lists are all available in English.
Check recycling instructions
“Sorting reduces the amount of waste and helps to recycle most of it. Due to sorting, recycling is efficient and waste can be used as new material, raw materials and energy.”
Esko Martikainen, CEO, Mustankorkea Oy

Resident’s waste guide

Do you need to dispose of your waste?
You can bring your waste to our Waste Centres with your car or trailer. We accept waste in Jyväskylä and Laukaa.