Our recycling site provides services for households. At the recycling site there are containers for different waste types. It is advisable to sort the waste load at home, this makes your visit easier. Your visit will be charged by vehicle. In addition we accept recyclable waste, such as carton, plastic, glass, metal, electronic devices and hazardous waste free of charge.

Opening hours

Open weekdays Mon-Fri at 7-19
during summertime (from May to August) Sat at 9-14

Ronsuntaipaleentie 204
40500 Jyväskylä

Waste type and location of the container

“Our recycling site provides services for households.”


Remember to check the opening hours, before you leave. You can not bring waste to us, when the waste centres are closed. Please note, that we only accept bank or credit card at Mustankorkea Waste Centre and Laukaa Waste Centre.

Sort your waste into the right containers according to the instructions. You can find more detailed sorting instructions using the QR-codes on the signs. Ask for help if you need it, we are very pleased to help you.

Thank you for you help!

Mustankorkea Scale Station

The scale station provides services for business customers.

Open weekdays Mon-Fri at 7-17
during summertime (from May to August) Mon-Fri at 7-19

Ronsuntaipaleentie 204
40500 Jyväskylä

In spring 2023 we separated passenger cars and heavy equipment. Now our scale station provides services only for professional and business customers and the recycling site is focused on resident’s waste loads. This makes the traffic at the waste centre easier to handle and improves safety at the scale station.